Teens Protecting & Saving Dolphins,
Marine Animals and the Ocean

Dolphins are The Original Surfers

The way dolphins playfully surf the face of a breaking wave is a joy to behold.

The Original Surfers are dolphins.  Dolphins have been surfing waves for thousands of years.  It’s so awesome when you see dolphins playing and surfing waves.  We named our movement after dolphins.  We’re all about protecting the ocean – where dolphins live and play.

And The Original Surfers is also a new teen movement about teens having fun at the beach so more teens will love and protect the ocean, dolphins, sea turtles, whales, and other marine animals.

Kaila - The Original Surfers
Waian - The Original Surfers
Hi, we’re Kaila and Waian, we grew up in San Diego. We fell in love with the dolphins that swim right next to us when we’re in the ocean.

When we learned that tens of thousands of dolphins are needlessly killed each year, we decided we had to stop it. So, we started The Original Surfers™. We’re dedicated to raising awareness of teens in order to protect and save dolphins, the ocean, and other marine animals, such as sea turtles, whales, seals, and the like.

We recommend that you don’t miss The Original Surfers blog.  You’ll see that we’re passionate about protecting the ocean the beach. You’ll see that we may be teens, but we’re teens that are protecting the ocean.  You’ll see we’re really passionate about ocean pollution, such as sewage, and plastic pollution.  

Okay, we know that most teens don’t want to think about sewage in the ocean.  More accurately, it’s actually e-coli in the ocean. You know it as shit.  Yes, there are far too many beaches in The United States and all over the world that regularly have shit dumped or drained into them. 

We grew up in a little beach town in San Diego County, California.  All the kids in our town, including us, grow up hanging out at a small park that overlooks the ocean.  All of our elementary school functions were held in the park.  There’s a part of the park that is devoted to “tots” – which are basically little kids.  

The reason I bring this up is just below the kids part of the park there is a permanent sign that warns of sewage being discharged into the ocean.  This isn’t some temporary sign that is put up when there’s rain, like you see posted on beaches all over San Diego and Southern California .  This is a permanent sign that is posted onto the side of the bluff.  

The beach that we grew up hanging out at and the beach that we hang out at all summer has shit flowing into the ocean 365 days a year.  I’ll tell you right now, this makes me incredibly angry. 

How can this be?  This is one of the supposedly nicest beaches in San Diego and we have shit flowing into the ocean.  

If we sound a little pissed off, well, we are.  It’s because we love the beach. We love the ocean. We love dolphins and other marine animals. 

This is a labor of love. We started The Original Surfers so other teens would join us and help to protect the ocean. Protect the beach. Protect The Original Surfers – meaning dolphins – that have to swim in the ocean that has e-coli flowing into it  24/7/365. 

We also have irreverent blogs posts about surf contests, boat surfing,  hanging out at the beach,  and just about anything that is beach related – bikinis, skateboarding,  beach fashion,  etc.

We figured that if we could help other teens enjoy the ocean and the beach as much as we do, then they would want to protect and save dolphins, marine animals, and the ocean also.

This website and our social media feeds are first and foremost about saving and protecting dolphins, marine animals, and the ocean. But importantly, we’re also about having fun at the beach and in the ocean, including beach style, beach culture, and being silly. 

The Original Surfers

So whether you live in California, Hawaii, Florida or Tennessee, Nebraska, Arizona, or anywhere around America or the world, please join The Original Surfers™ journey.

Please follow and like us on our Instagram and tell everyone you know to follow us also!


Thank You For Your Love
and Support
Kaila & Waian