May Gray in San Diego

More May Gray in San Diego

Not so sunny San Diego – May Gray and June Gloom

Truth be told, San Diego isn’t always sunny. This year we had June gloom in April.

Kaila and Waian - The Original Surfers
May Gray and June Gloom – Kaila and Waian – The Original Surfers

Graypril.  Is what some call it.

Now we have May Gray. Bummer. But, here at The Original Surfers, we call it the way we see it.

And worse yet -it’s JUNE GLOOM!!

May Gray In Not So Sunny San Diego The Original Surfers

May Gray in San Diego
May Gray in San Diego

And lately, we’ve been seeing a lot of overcast days at the beach.

What am I talking about?

Think London Fog at the beach.

Luckily, the water has been warming up.

Believe it or not, the San Diego ocean water temperature was down to 53 degrees this year. Coldest ever.

And, in case you might have missed it, forever is a VERY long time. Right?

What this GRAY all about? (a scientific explanation..) 

Hey, we like to make The Original Surfers a learning experience So…

The darker skies are a result of the marine layer.  This is due to temperature inversion.  Normally, air temperatures decrease with height — but the ocean makes air at the ocean-surface cooler than higher elevations, which produces the fog.

Or June Gloom, May Gray…

You get the idea.

We’ve been injured here at the beach

Adding insult to injury (are we being injured by cloudy, sucky, overcast days at the beach?… I think so….); it’s been record heat in Seattle lately.


Yep, truth be told, and The Original Surfers is all about truth, it’s been pretty sucky at the beach here lately.

And adding more injury to injury, since January, the surf has been not so hot.

Supposed to be a swell this week. We’ll see how the winds affect the surf.  Been on shores for awhile now.

But, now their forecasting monsoons this week.

Monsoons in San Diego? 

Monsoons? Are you kidding me.

In San Diego?

In May?

You know what rain means in San Diego 

“The water’s too polluted with germs.”

You know what happens to ocean water quality in San Diego when it rains? Not good.

Wait, did I hear we’re supposed to get locusts?

Keep ya posted…

The Original Surfers… always here for YOU!

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