Hey there. Waian here.
You guys know me. Right? You know most of my posts are about peace, love and understanding… Deep stuff… Compelling… Insightful…
But it sounded good. Didn’t it?
This post is going to be different. A little different. Okay. Maybe a lot DIFFERENT.
It’s about a new dance move that’s sweeping Southern California. Locals at all the beaches are doing it.
It’s called the San Diego Beach Shuffle.
I’m just sure its all over TikTok by now.
Are you doing it?
Crazy little number. Catchy. Easy to dance to. A good beat.
Don’t buy the posers.
Thing is, all these other places are trying to claim it as their own. No wonder.
I’ve heard the Huntington Beach Shuffle. Del Mar Shuffle – they swear it started on Del Mar Beach… Hermosa Beach Shuffle.
They’re even doing it in Malibu I hear. As if.
Truth is, no matter what you call it, right now, today, all over Southern California locals are doing “The Beach Shuffle.” Everyday I do it. My friends do it.
If you’re not doing it, then you’re missing out.
Big time.
Listen up.
How Do You Do The San Diego Beach Shuffle?
First of all, even thought it’s called “Beach Shuffle,” you don’t do it on the beach. You do it in the water. In the ocean.
You can be in nine inches of water or you can be chest deep in the ocean.
When you’re standing in the ocean, and the bottom is sand. This is very important – a sandy bottom, as opposed to rocks like you get at places like Trestles.
Instead of walking in the water, lifting your feet up like you’re walking on a sidewalk – you shuffle your feet, you put your feet flat in the sand and you scoot your feet along the bottom.
You never lift up your feet. You shuffle or slide your feet along the bottom.
Are you with me so far? Now, comes the artistic part. The dance part. While your shuffling your feet along the bottom, your moving your arms at the same time you slide your feet.
For example, when you slide your right foot forward. Your right arm – which is bent at your elbow, with your forearm parallel to the water – moves forward. You can move your arms and hands rhythmically.
Same with your left arm.
Now, what you do with booty during the shuffle is entirely up to you. Hence, the creative element of the “Beach Shuffle.”
Not to suggest your arm moves, body moves, and yes, even your booty moves need to be robotic. Some do a shimmy. Some a boogie. Some do a glide. Some do the soul hitch. That’s right, you can do your variation or even, signature shuffle.
But, whatever you do. Don’t think this is all there is to it. Because you would be sadly mistaken. You must read the entire post. Trust me on this!
We Just Want You to Have Fun At The Beach
Part of having fun at the beach is being SAFE and PAIN FREE. Avoiding INTENSE PAIN.
This is IMPORTANT. AN IMPORTANT Public Service Announcement if you’re going to surf and swim in Southern California. Pay attention guys.
I’m at the beach daily. I see it.
In Southern California we have sting-rays. Nasty.
If you step on one, the sting-ray’s barb will put a painful gash in your foot or ankle. Bad.
A sting-ray’s venom is intensely painful.
I’ve heard veteran’s say that a sting ray’s barb hurts more than a gunshot wound. Somewhere between a big stapler and a nail gun.
The real pain, of course doesn’t start until the venom kicks in. Seriously.
You may be wondering right about now, what does this have to do with The Beach Shuffle? Go with me a little… hang in there.
Ironic. Is what it is. Very paradoxical. (I don’tusually like big 25c words, but I couldn’t resist this one time. I’ll try better next time. Promise 😊).
What are the odds?
Kaila has surfed all over Southern California. From Malibu up north to South San Diego County.
In surf contest, contestants run, from the beach into the ocean on shallow sandy bottoms to get outside as fast as possible. Because contest heats are timed. Wasn’t then. Although sandy ocean bottoms are where sting-rays thrive.
Yep. It wasn’t during any of the countless times Kaila was surfing. Who woulda thunk it?
It was one day after beach volleyball practice, Kaila went for a quick dip in the ocean. Quick dip.
Kaila was hit.
Barb went deep in the top of her foot. Intense pain. She’ll tell you.
Didn’t end after a few days. Typical Kaila drama. Rama. Well… I’ll let her tell you the full story. Not pretty.
When things can go wrong. Stories are us. Or should I say, stories are Kaila. Gives her lots of material…
Like I said, I’ll let her tell you.
How do Sting-Ray Hits Usually Occur?
Don’t miss this part.
It’s almost always the same way. Someone is walking in the ocean. Or running. Sandy bottom. It can be eight inches of water or chest deep. Anywhere in between.
Sting-rays lay on the bottom of the ocean. They particularly cover themselves with sand in order to hide from predators. When you’re walking in the ocean and you look down, they will look just like sand. You won’t see them. Unless they’re swimming along the bottom and you know what to look for.
They’re camouflaged, because they’re the same color as the sand.
As you pick up your feet and step on them the sting-rays protect themselves with their tail that has a venomous barb. Their tail whips up and sinks their barb into your feet or ankle.
Lightening fast.
You’ll know it immediately.
As I said, it’s not the nail gun like barb that’s the real pain. Think 10 bee stings. All at once. You’re getting closer.
Don’t think it can’t happen to you.
I’ve spent my life at the beach. Some days you’ll see one person after another limp up to the lifeguard tower. Or screaming kids carried by their distraught parent.
It can get crazy.
Don’t believe me? Ask any San Diego lifeguard.
Now The San Diego Dance Crazy….
The San Diego Beach Shuffle…
How to Avoid Getting Stung by a Sting-Ray
Here’s the good news. It’s pretty easy to avoid getting hit by a sting-ray.
When you’re walking in the ocean. DON’T. Don’t walk. Don’t lift your feet and put them back down.
Instead, shuffle your foot along the bottom.
Literally. Keep your feet flat on the sand slide your feet along the bottom. Do not lift up your feet to work.
Shuffle your feet.
I described the San Diego Beach Shuffle earlier in this post. Go back. Read it again.
Have fun with it.
Give it style.
Make it your own.
Like I said. I’ve heard it called many things.
The San Diego Beach Shuffle. Del Mar Shuffle. Ocean Beach Shuffle. Huntington Beach Shuffle. Hermosa Beach Shuffle. And yes, the Malibu Shuffle.
Sort of like dancing. Only you’re in the ocean. Maybe I should make a Tik Tok video.
Yes, everbody’s doing it.
Was locals only. But you can do it too.
Pass it along.
How To Treat a Sting-Ray Sting
All the San Diego lifeguards will tell you, immediately put your foot in hot water. Like a bucket or a tub. As hot as you can stand. Keep warming it up if possible. Submerge your foot.
Some folks swear by adding some vinegar to the water.
You really help to look closely to make sure the barb is completely removed. If you don’t get all of the barb out, it can lead to infection, surgery.
All About Fun
Hey, I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer. Not trying to harsh your buzz. Not even.
I want all of you to have fun at the beach. Not being injured/in pain really, really helps the fun factor.
Do the San Diego Beach Shuffle. Everybody’s doing it.
And, if they’re not, do them a huge favor. Clue them in.
Remember, friends don’t let friends walk in the ocean.
Do the San Diego Beach Shuffle.