Another Great Day at School

Another Great Day at School - image shutterstock_1855237699-300x200 on https://www.theoriginalsurfers.comAs I’ve mentioned before, my life is full of excitement, glamour, style, etc. Everything goes just exactly perfect all the time.
“Look at me and my wonderful life.”
No drama, no humor.
Just like all these famous perfect people that you follow on Instagram and Tik Tok.
Well, maybe… not, but… It was another great day at school.
It started off hectic, and got worse.
Basically, it started off with me having a history quiz based on all the countries in Asia. It was like match the country to the country name. What could possibly go wrong? Right?
Except we don’t get a word bank and we had to spell everything correctly. It was HELL!
Last night I tried studying, but Waian and I ended up watching TV. I’m sure this has never happened to you. Not a chance. Never happens.
To sum things up, I don’t think I aced it.
Then, I had Bib Lit, which I thought I wouldn’t have to share my plague presentation because last class we only went through the first three plagues, and I was the 8th plague. So, I thought I was chilling because there were 4 plagues to go before mine.
No problemo.
So basically, I thought I wouldn’t have to go. But then the guy with the 7th plague freakin BAILED and made a lame excuse why he couldn’t present. I know there was no reason for him not to present. But, whatever. Great presentation Kaila. “Like, there was like, an 8th plague… It was a really bad plague. It was just terrible.”
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