A wish or desire. A dream. Something better. A promise of improvement. Fulfillment.
If you noticed, that’s my definition. I just didn’t like Webster’s definition. So I went with Waian’s. In one of Kaila’s “A Teen Surf Saga” posts, she says “if” is the biggest word in the English language. Could be. I understand her reasoning. Even though “if” has only two letters.
But the most importang word in English language? My money’s on “hope.”
You gotta have hope.
Hope will drive you.
To a better life.
To greatness.
To a better place.
Never lose hope.
Stay with us. We got this.
P.S. I seriously considered “love” as the most important word.
Everyone wants to be loved. Right? Isn’t that what we all want, when you get down to it?
But, reality is, we all hope to be loved.
There’s that “hope” word. Again.