What You Can Do when You’re “Oh for Five”

I’m sure you’re like I am. You follow different people on social media. Probably on Instagram and Tik Tok. Maybe other places also.
Most of the people I follow have these wonderful lives. They’re good looking, have great bodies, smart, and talented. They lead exciting, happy lives. Sound familiar? 
If you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, “Why isn’t my life like theirs?”

Okay you can start with I’m not model good looking. I don’t have a “stop traffic body.” I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree. I’m not so talented. In fact, when you get down to it, I have stage fright. And, I’m not special.

Well, maybe I’m special. Oh? Not that kind of “special.” What You Can Do when You’re “Oh for Five” - image IMG_0195-225x300 on https://www.theoriginalsurfers.com

When you get down to it, I’m oh for five. I’ve got zero percent. Zip. Nada.

So, here at The Original Surfers, I’m taking just a little different approach.
Instead of trying the, “Hey, look at me, I have a great, fantastic life” approach, I’m keeping it real.
You probably heard about, when you have lemons, sell lemonade.

So, I’m going with my two “gifts.” Okay. They’re probably lemons, but go with me here. I’m using what is generously referred to as “artistic license.”

Even if I’m not any kind of artist. But, I do have a drivers license…

I don’t want to sell myself completely short. I have two “gifts.”
One is, as my sister says, I’ve got drama. In spades. Not the “drama queen” type drama, but I had this drama cloud that… well you’ll see.
Directly related to this whole drama thing, is my next gift.
My mom used to say, “we’re not laughing at you, we’re laughing with you.” Only I’m the only one not laughing. As I say, it’s a “gift.”

So, instead of making you feel bad because you don’t live a cool influencers life, I share my “gifts.”

My up’s, down’s, and countless screw-ups.
Sometimes, it’s magic. Sometimes, it’s tragic. But, I’m having fun, every step of the way.
I hope you can laugh some, too.

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