Why am I ranting about Instagram?
I know. The Original Surfers is about teens having fun at the beach. So they’ll love the beach, ocean, dolphins, etc. Fight to protect them. Get it. So why am I ranting about Instagram? Well… because I can… and I should. I’ll tie it all in. Wait. As usual, I’m going to be all over the place. Move over Pablo Picasso, Steve Jobs, and Apple. I’m coming for you too. No one’s safe.
Dive for cover. Or. Is it, the famous “duck and cover?” Where to start? Pablo or Steve? Business and innovation? If you haven’t noticed
Facebook, now called Meta, owns Instagram. Like you, I’ve been on Instagram for awhile. In the past few years, Tik Tok has gotten really, really, popular. Instagram and Tik Tok compete for eyeballs and time. Thank you Captain Obvious. You’re always such a big help. Like duh.
My little sister, Waian, is almost exclusively on Tik Tok. At least 90% of the time. I’m on both Insta and Tik Tok. But, your mileage may vary. Business rivalries aren’t new. Pablo Picasso had a saying, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” Pablo went on to say, “We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.”
Let’s talk iphones
Most teens – 85% – have iPhones. Thank you Steve Jobs and Apple. But, Mr. Jobs had talent. And a little Pablo Picasso in him. As the story goes, in 1979, a young entrepreneur finalized a visit to Xerox’s, a company in Silicon Valley that made copy machines, research center. He got a peek at the graphical user interface a personal computer. This little trip to Xerox, gave Steve Jobs the inspiration and idea to make Apple Computers. Part vision; part “borrowing,” part greatness. It’s called invention. Steve Jobs made the personal computer better. Inspiration and ingenuity. Next up for Steve, Apple iPhones. What you’re probably using to read this.
Instagram or TikTok?
So this whole Instagram vs. TikTok thing isn’t exactly new. TikTok came out with an app that centered on videos. Teens flocked to it. So, what does Instagram do? It pilfers TikTok’s features. So instead of Instagram users seeing posts from friends – the very thing that me and all the other Instagram users love Instagram –Instagram decides to try and knock off TikTok.
So instead of posts from friends, you open Instagram and get “reels.” Videos from people you don’t know and don’t to freaking know.
Important message to Instagram!!!
I’ve got an important public service message to Instagram: STOP. STOP TRYING TO BE TIKTOK! I want my friends back! Not abunch of random strangers YOU think I want to see.
Are you trying to FORCE me and my friends to go to TikTok? Or how about friend focused photo-sharing apps like BeReal?
Facebook, Meta, Instagram are you listening? You’re kamikazing the Instagram plane into the side of the mountain.