We Don’t Surf and Tell

You’ve no doubt heard the expression, “don’t kiss and tell.” Here, at The Original Surfers, we have a similar expression.

It’s our ‘Don’t Surf and Tell’ thing.

We don’t reveal the places where we surf.


We realize, if you’re from San Diego and especially from the small beach town in San Diego where we’re from, you may have a pretty good idea about the surf spots/breaks we’re talking about.

I know some of you will want to know more info about the places we surf. We get it. We understand completely.

But also please understand that the locals here don’t want or like us advertising (that’s the way they see it) or promoting more people surfing these surf breaks that are already way too crowded.

Please understand 😊

It’s just not good karma to “name drop” who’s surfing with us or where we’re surfing.

Thanks for understanding.

We Don't Surf and Tell - image Kaila-Signature-300x121 on https://www.theoriginalsurfers.com We Don't Surf and Tell - image  on https://www.theoriginalsurfers.com

P.S. Most, but not all, the places we surf are not ‘secret spots’. You can easily find them on San Diego surf maps. Most are not ‘locals only’ type spots. You can find them and surf them. May I suggest you observe surf etiquette and be mellow and respectful. Just saying 😊

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